Consulting & Inspection Services

Hudson Roofing Solutions engages with clients to provide third party roof management services. Our professional staff develops cost effective plans to manage your roof assets. Whether considering a new roof installation or maintaining your existing roof, we provide our clients with valuable insight to ensure you are getting professional roof service and products at a fair market value. Contact Us Today to discuss your roof management program.

Roof Condition Surveys

A detailed roof condition survey is key to constructing a plan of action with regard to directing your roof assets in an efficient manner. Roof repairs are a very cost effective method of preserving and getting the most out of your existing roof system, while avoiding a costly roof replacement. Roof conditions are typically gathered by means of:

Our roof condition survey will allow us to take the next step in providing you with a sustainable roofing solution.

Specification Preparation and Roof Design

Hudson Roofing Solutions offers professional specifications and roof system designs for new roof projects, roof replacements and maintenance programs. Our extensive knowledge of the flat roof industry ensures you receive the most suitable roofing solution, installed by approved and reputable contractors. Our specifications are designed to define a flat roof system that will offer you an economical and viable long-term roofing solution.

Third PartyPerformance Inspections

A new flat roof is typically a large investment that requires protection. It is strongly advised to obtain third party roof inspections during and after any major project to ensure all related work is conducted with you best interests at mind. Hudson Roofing Solutions offers professional third party roof inspections to ensure quality products, workmanship and proper roofing techniques are implemented, and delivered on schedule.

2010 Winston Park Drive, Suite 200
Oakville, ON L6H 6P5

We Strive for Excellence

Through our ample knowledge of the roofing industry and our vast array of professional roofing services, we provide roofing solutions that work for you.

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